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Booking the Congo Nile Trail with a Professional Company

Booking the Congo Nile Trail with a Professional Company


The easiest and most convenient way to hike, bike or kayak The Congo Nile Trail is through a local tour operator. There are many operators in Rwanda who can organize various tours and packages along the Congo Nile Trail. Most operators will be able to provide you with a transfer to and from Kigali, a

Budget Gorilla Trekking in Uganda and Rwanda

Budget Gorilla Trekking in Uganda and Rwanda


Interested in a budget gorilla safari in Uganda or Rwanda? Do you need an affordable gorilla safari in Uganda or Rwanda? It is every visitor’s desire to return home when filled with lots of lasting memories and gorilla trekking is of no doubt one of the best wildlife safari experiences one should consider a must-do

Rwanda Tourism

5 Reasons Why You Should Visit Rwanda

5 Reasons Why You Should Visit Rwanda

Rwanda Tourism

Rwanda is one of the African countries you must not miss to visit; it has very many tourist attractions some of which can’t be seen elsewhere in the world. The country is located in the central Africa and its sometimes referred to as ‘’a land of a thousand hills’’ due to very many green rolling

Game Drive in Rwanda

5 Lodges to Consider for Your Rwanda Safari

5 Lodges to Consider for Your Rwanda Safari

Game Drive in Rwanda

Rwanda is considered to be a complete destination for a good reason. As a preferred tourism destination, there are myriad of comfortable lodges for tourists visiting for gorilla trekking, chimpanzee tracking or wildlife safaris. All the four national parks in Rwanda have classic safari lodges worth booking for overnight stay including budget, mid range and

Rwanda Gorilla Family

How to Obtain Gorilla Permits for Rwanda

How to Obtain Gorilla Permits for Rwanda

Rwanda Gorilla Family

A safari to Rwanda to see mountain gorillas in the Volcanoes National Park is every traveler’s dream. A gorilla permit is a must to have for visitors who wish to visit Volcanoes National Park for gorilla tracking. With 12 habituated gorilla families that are tracked every day, visitors who make it up to the park

Rwanda Safari

Basic Safety Tips for Rwanda Safari Goers

Basic Safety Tips for Rwanda Safari Goers

Rwanda Safari

Rwanda safaris are one kind of outdoor tours where you have to travel to different national game parks and other tourist sites. There are a lot of stuffs that need to be planned ahead before the traveler embarks on this kind of a tour. The traveler has to plan for local transportation, accommodation and entrances

Self Drive Rwanda

Things to Know When Planning Self Drive in Rwanda

Things to Know When Planning Self Drive in Rwanda

Self Drive Rwanda

Planning for self drive in Africa, below is what you should know to make your planning effective. I remember scouring the internet for all kinds of information and it was so confusing. Enjoy the planning stages and use the time to prepare yourself physically and psychologically and find reputable companies and our holiday was arranged

Driving in Rwanda

7 Top Driving Safety Tips for Rwanda Visitors

7 Top Driving Safety Tips for Rwanda Visitors

Driving in Rwanda

Are you looking to renting a car in Rwanda? In Rwanda, new drivers have to face the reality that every time they get behind the wheel, risk of an accident is lurking. Car crashes can result from many things, including speeding, drugs and alcohol, calling or texting, fatigue, or not paying attention. You could even

Rwanda Car Travel

5 Benefits of Booking a Car in Rwanda Online

5 Benefits of Booking a Car in Rwanda Online

Rwanda Car Travel

Almost every foreign traveler opt for Rwanda car rental services at some point of time. The latter has made the car rental business in Rwanda grow at a very drastic rate as there are very many online car rental companies operating car hiring business in Rwanda and very many travelers have embraced the opportunity as