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Biking the Congo Nile Trail

Biking The Congo Nile Trail – Complete Guide

Biking The Congo Nile Trail – Complete Guide

Biking the Congo Nile Trail

The most popular way to complete the Congo Nile Trail is by bike. Any normally fit individual can complete the entire 280 kms of the Congo Nile Trail from Rubavu to Rusizi in 5 days on a bike at a leisurely pace without pushing themselves too much. Most people who bike the Congo Nile Trail

Hiking the Congo Nile Trail

Hiking the Congo Nile Trail – The Complete Guide

Hiking the Congo Nile Trail – The Complete Guide

Hiking the Congo Nile Trail

The Congo Nile Hiking Trail is one of the most iconic hiking trails in Rwanda. The trail is popular with both cyclists and hikers, traversing rain forests, bracken fields and bamboo forests. The entire Congo Nile Trail passes along the hills of Lake Kivu with magnificent views from the hiking trail of Lake Kivu and